As a newbie and absolute NON-programmer, I am totally confused as to how to use the Style images option (ATO: Various Content Items).
Similar to Style WIDGETS and Style POSTS & PAGES could it be possible to give graphical examples? These examples were fantastic and really helped me to come to grips with Atahualpa.
I'd also have a better understanding if there were graphical examples for Style TABLE. I spent a lot of trial-and-error time here and it's still not quite what I want...
What are these? And why do we need them?
Perhaps some text and/or graphical images could help newbies understand and make your theme even more user friendly.
I've looked at other themes, but I have to be honest. The Atahulpa Theme is the most flexible. You can do and change just about anything -- and I am a beginner! I am soooo glad to have found this Theme!