Hmm. The code for the plugin doesnt' match yours. I have tried removing what you suggested and replacing "transparent" with opaque in the following code shown in red but I get a parsing error. Please advise.
// write flash tag
if( $options['compmode']!='true' ){
$flashtag = '<!-- SWFObject embed by Geoff Stearns -->';
$flashtag .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'swfobject.js"></script>';
$flashtag .= '<div id="'.$divname.'">';
if( $options['showwptags'] == 'true' ){ $flashtag .= '<p>'; } else { $flashtag .= '<p style="display:none;">'; };
// alternate content
if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){ $flashtag .= urldecode($tagcloud); }
if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){ $flashtag .= urldecode($cats); }
$flashtag .= '</p><p>WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by <a href="">Roy Tanck</a> requires Flash Player 9 or better.</p></div>';
$flashtag .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$flashtag .= 'var '.$soname.' = new SWFObject("'.$movie.'", "tagcloudflash", "'.$options['width'].'", "'.$options['height'].'", "9", "#'.$options['bgcolor'].'");';
if( $options['trans'] == 'true' ){
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addParam("wmode", "
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");';
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tcolor", "0x'.$options['tcolor'].'");';
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tcolor2", "0x' . ($options['tcolor2'] == "" ? $options['tcolor'] : $options['tcolor2']) . '");';
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("hicolor", "0x' . ($options['hicolor'] == "" ? $options['tcolor'] : $options['hicolor']) . '");';
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tspeed", "'.$options['speed'].'");';
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("distr", "'.$options['distr'].'");';
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("mode", "'.$options['mode'].'");';
// put tags in flashvar
if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tagcloud", "'.urlencode('<tags>') . $tagcloud . urlencode('</tags>').'");';
// put categories in flashvar
if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){
$flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("categories", "' . $cats . '");';
$flashtag .= $soname.'.write("'.$divname.'");';
$flashtag .= '</script>';
} else {
$flashtag = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'.$movie.'" width="'.$options['width'].'" height="'.$options['height'].';
$flashtag .= '<param name="movie" value="'.$movie.'" />';
$flashtag .= '<param name="bgcolor" value="#'.$options['bgcolor'].'" />';
$flashtag .= '<param name="wmode" />';
$flashtag .= '<param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" />';
if( $options['trans'] == 'true' ){
$flashtag .= '<param name="wmode" value="
opaque" />';
$flashtag .= '<param name="flashvars" value="';
$flashtag .= 'tcolor=0x'.$options['tcolor'];
$flashtag .= '&tcolor2=0x'.$options['tcolor2'];
$flashtag .= '&hicolor=0x'.$options['hicolor'];
$flashtag .= '&tspeed='.$options['speed'];
$flashtag .= '&distr='.$options['distr'];
$flashtag .= '&mode='.$options['mode'];
// put tags in flashvar
if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){
$flashtag .= '&tagcloud='.urlencode('<tags>') . $tagcloud . urlencode('</tags>');
// put categories in flashvar
if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){
$flashtag .= '&categories=' . $cats;
$flashtag .= '" />';
// alternate content
if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){ $flashtag .= '<p>'.urldecode($tagcloud).'</p>'; }
if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){ $flashtag .= '<p>'.urldecode($cats).'</p>'; }
$flashtag .= '<p>WP-Cumulus by <a href="">Roy Tanck</a> requires Flash Player 9 or better.</p>';
$flashtag .= '</object>';
return $flashtag;