Hello there,
sorry I opened a new thread, but the first post I did in this Forum didn't seem to geht any attention (see below)
My idea: I wanted to have a light and a dark color scheme for my site... i.e. one black font and white background and another one white font black background...
Then I wanted to place a Widget on the right called "Theme Switcher Reloaded" so that a visitor can change between the two different styles if he wishes to. That would be for people that have difficulties with high contrast sites for example.
I want the page to look basically the same, designwise (same layout, same font, same pictures etc.)...
I just want the colors to change.
So I was trying to have two Atahualpa Installations that only are different in their colors but similar on everything else. I cloned my Atahualpa-Folder (one "atahualpa-white" and one "atahualpa-black") and tried to switch between them with the widget... But soon I realized it isn't that easy because they seem to share the databank or whatever... So colors get messed up when I want to change them:
With basic HTML it would be a simple question of switching two CSS-Files by link... but here it did not work, since the two Atahualpa-Installations seem to share their configuartions somehow... If I change one, the other one changes too.
So I found this thread here and tried it the same way by doing as Jaguwar told... unfortunately I run into the same Problem that the User "Burn" had... I don't get it to work...
Maybe someone here has an Idea how I can solve this? Sorry for my bad English. I hope you understand what I am trying to do...
Thanks in advance