I found both forum post and reply below helpful for getting the Feature Content Gallery plugin up and running on my blog.
But I have a question:
How can I get the Feature Gallery to be centered in my post? It is aligned left which looks out of place. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
"majofa - Member - Jul 2009 - Posted
I am using WP 2.8.1 and Atahualpa 3.4.2. I inserted the Feature Content Gallery code in the theme's index.php:
<code><?php /* get all options: */
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/bfa_get_options.php'); get_header(); ?>
<?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php'); ?></code>
It displays perfectly in the home page, but it also shows in every post and page.
How can I avoid this ?
Flynn - Administrator - Reply
Change the code to
<?php if ( is_front_page() ) { include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php'); } ?>"