Objective: Get "Add To Cart" buttons to show up on Archive (multi-post) pages.
Here's the problem: There's a way to hack the eShop plugin so that "Add To Cart" buttons will appear at the bottom of every post in Archive pages IF the post content is fully displayed, either because the archive page is set to display full posts, or the post content is short enough to avoid the button being cut off. So far I haven't figured out how to make Atahualpa show full posts on Archive pages.
So, I found a way to inject the code between the post title and post content so that the "Add To Cart" buttons wouldn't be cut off by the post content, but the buttons will not display in Atahualpa.
Here's a page with the default theme:
You can see that the "Add To Cart" buttons appear at both the top and the bottom of the post content because the full post content shows and I've also done my hack at the top.
Here's the same page in Atahualpa:
You can see that now abbreviated post text shows, and all of the text that is supposed to display along with the button appears, but not the button itself.
So, I'm left to figure out how to make Atahualpa display these buttons like other themes do. It seems like the problem here must be the theme because they do show in another theme. I'd still like to know how to make full posts appear in the archive pages as well, but that doesn't help if the buttons won't show anyway.
Thanks for any advice