Put into Post/Page Styling -> Headline Box
HTML Code:
background: url(/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/myimage.gif) no-repeat scroll 0px 0px;
padding-left: 30px;
The padding-left value should be sum of [width of image] + [desired space between image and post title]
The 0px 0px are the hor. and vert. positions of the image relative to the whole Headline Box. 0px 0px means top left.
I am not sure if an .ico file can be displayed inside a page. It's a file format in it's own right and meant to be used on browser tabs, in bookmarks lists and inside the URL field of browsers. You may have to convert that image into a .gif, .jpg or .png file first with an image editor.
moving this thread to main forum