I've noticed that Atahualpa performs a ~20k SQL update of wp_options where name='bfa_ata4' on a large percentage of uncached page views. This causes a large amount of unnecessary Mysql write activity and can be a large drain on performance - impacting not just the page view but the entire server.
It appears to just be making the same change back and forth:
h_blogtitle;i:1 to h_blogtitle;i,2 and h_posttitle;i:1 to h_posttitle;i:2
the next update then reverses it.
It would seem that it may be the code in bfa_get_options.php around line 506:
if ( $bfa_ata['h1_on_single_pages'] == "Yes" AND ( is_single() OR is_page() ) ) {
$bfa_ata['h_blogtitle'] = 2; $bfa_ata['h_posttitle'] = 1;
} else {
$bfa_ata['h_blogtitle'] = 1; $bfa_ata['h_posttitle'] = 2;
Thanks for looking at this.