Hi all
Hope Im writing the right place - Im completely new here.
I have just started using atahualpa (really great btw!), and Im now working on a minor real estate site. I wanted to have some custom fields (for example with price, number of rooms, images etc.) and therefor I wanted to use the "costum field template" plugin. I know how to make the different fields so they are shown when I write a new posts, for example I made this one:
type = select
value = 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 5+
default = orange
output = true
But my problem is that I dont know how to show this on the new created post?
I can see that when I insert: "%meta('Rooms')%" under "FOOTER: Single Post Pages" (options/Edit POST/PAGE INFO ITEMS) it shows the value in the footer. But I would like it to show like this:
Rooms: 2 (right now it only says "2")
Another problem is that when I add another field (for example "%meta('Price')%"), I would like the two to be seprated by a stroke "|" or perhaps a dot, because right now it just look like this:
2 1000000 ("2" is the rooms, and "1000000" is the price)
A final thing is that I would like to highlight the price and adress fields (they are most important), for example by giving them a larger fontsize, another color or similar - how to I do this with the %meta% text?
Hope that some of you can help me - thank you!
Best regards