OK then... Here is what it appears you currently have in Above the Loop...
HTML Code:
<?php bfa_widget_area('name=My new widget area'); ?>
<div id="my_new_widget_area" class="bfa_widget_area"></div>
<?php /* For MULTI post pages if activated at ATO -> Next/Previous Navigation: */
bfa_next_previous_page_links('Top'); ?>
<?php /* For the plugin Page2Cat http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/page2cat/ */
if( is_category() AND function_exists('page2cat_output')) { page2cat_output($cat); } ?>
Take out the first two lines and replace with
HTML Code:
<?php if( is_front_page() ) bfa_widget_area('name=My new widget area'); ?>
You can change the name to something else besides My new widget area. That line could for instance be.
HTML Code:
<?php if( is_front_page() ) bfa_widget_area('name=Front page widget area'); ?>
That way when you look in Appearance>Widgets you will see a widget titled Front page widget area.
The whole Above the Loop area would look like the following when you are done.
HTML Code:
<?php bfa_widget_area('name=Front page widget area'); ?>
<?php /* For MULTI post pages if activated at ATO -> Next/Previous Navigation: */
bfa_next_previous_page_links('Top'); ?>
<?php /* For the plugin Page2Cat http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/page2cat/ */
if( is_category() AND function_exists('page2cat_output')) { page2cat_output($cat); } ?>
If you changed the name to my suggestion you will need to go to the Add new widget areas section and delete the My new widget area. Or you could take out the first two lines first then go to ATO>Add new widget areas and delete the widget area. Now go back to Style and edit Center column and add the code as described above.
I hope I haven't confused you with too many words. If I have just ask for clarification where needed.