
Mar 19, 2009, 05:02 PM
I want to put photos into pages and posts and configure the text so that it wraps around the photo, ideally with adjustable margins around photo. Idealy would be able to customize location of photo.
Is there a way to do that? The 'insert image' thing doesn't seem to do it.

Mar 22, 2009, 08:20 AM
Hi there
I'm having this problem too.
I can't align my images properly with the text when left aligning/wrapping. the image sticks to the text with no room allowed.
Also my .gif (a moving flag) although has transparent background is showing a grey border (most annoying) which is defeating the option.
Also can we make 'Johnson" boxes when adding text to pages like you see on normal html pages? I'm making a testimonal page and to make it more interesting that just a very long sheet of text I would ideally like to alternate each testimonial within a box with coloured background and flag.
Can't find how to do this. I tried to do it like a post but realized this isn't the right way
Appreciate urgent help
Last edited by Nefeli; Mar 22, 2009 at 08:28 AM.
Reason: to make it more eligable hopefully!

Mar 22, 2009, 05:45 PM
1,333 posts · Feb 2009
Wordpress 3.4.1, Atahualpa 3.7.7
You can indeed align your photos, add vertical and horizonal space, even shrink a photo by percentages, all within the post editing area. You can add captions, too. Put your cursor where you want the image to go, generally. Use the Insert icon at the top left of the editing pane, looks like a t.v. screen. Insert via a URL, from your computer, or from the media library. Once it's there, click on the image, then click on the little picture frame icon, and you have more options.
You can position it, change the size, add a caption. Click on Advanced settings and you can do more.
I have the Scissors plugin which lets you do a lot of this from the screen where you are inserting from the media library. I also got the Tiny MCE Advanced plugin, which adds a ton of editing options.
Last edited by paulae; Mar 23, 2009 at 06:57 AM.

Mar 24, 2009, 06:30 AM
Thanks. I'll check out the plugins you suggest see if they help although the alignment is only basic i.e. left, right center align etc.
When you click on image you can resize but cannot move around to get a better fit/ alignment.
Well done with your site, I like what you have done with your Atahaulpa, and I'm moving along in a similar way.
Thanks again

Mar 24, 2009, 11:40 AM
1,333 posts · Feb 2009
Wordpress 3.4.1, Atahualpa 3.7.7
If you find a better way to do the alignments, let us all know! It's always been hard to do much fine-tuning, at least for me, with HTML.
My sister, who came from the graphic design world in the old keylining days, never could get used to not having much control compared to print.

Apr 1, 2009, 02:00 AM
Hi all,
When you insert a pic (by URL), there is a stylish frame that comes automatically... how to remove it ?

Apr 1, 2009, 09:10 AM
301 posts · Feb 2009
Bristol, midcoast Maine USA
Hey zizi! < Note: this is a half answer -- Flynn's attention still necessary >
If you want to remove the "stylish frame" from ALL your images: in the WP Dashboard go to "Atahualpa Theme Options" then click on the "Images" tab. That screen lets you format images, those with and those without captions separately, and then also the caption text styling. Note: the settings here affect images on pages as well as in posts.
Here I thought I was going to tell you how to remove the frame on just a particular image. But, while experimenting I've discovered that this is not as straightforward as it might have been. I thought that the border was being applied by WP when images were uploaded into the Media Library. But, I've now learned that even if I FTP an image file up the old fashioned way and spec it into the HTML with a plain <img tag the resulting jpg STILL has that border! I'm guessing the <img tag is inheriting styling from somewhere. ....how to strip out that styling?
Flynn!? We need your expertise! Sorry!

Apr 1, 2009, 09:45 AM
301 posts · Feb 2009
Bristol, midcoast Maine USA
Originally Posted by paulae
If you find a better way to do the alignments, let us all know! It's always been hard to do much fine-tuning, at least for me, with HTML.
My sister, who came from the graphic design world in the old keylining days, never could get used to not having much control compared to print.
We're also battling with the non-specificity of image placement problem. Here're the "rules" we've been using so far while typing and inserting images in the unadorned Dashboard text editor:
1) To re-position an already inserted image: Do not try to drag or cut and paste pictures. Rather, switch to "HTML" (.vs "Visual") and cut and paste the text image "paragraphs" (usually "[caption id= ..... to [/caption]")
2) This is all a ton simpler if your layout is a fixed width.
3) Size your images so they're EITHER so wide that text cannot try to slide down the side in an unattractive sliver of text OR narrow enough (maybe half the width of the text area) so that the wrapping text has enough room to pleasantly format itself.
4) Keep enough text between/before/after your images so that they don't bump into one another and text doesn't try to snake between them in one of those nasty, narrow slivers.
5) Keep the actual page/post you're working on open in your browser in another tab. Switch to that and refresh/reload often so you can see what's REALLY happening.
6) When all else fails you can force the text, or the 'next' image, to drop below an image by inserting "<div style="clear:both;"></div>" (without the "s) right after the image's HTML.
7) Best approach to fine tuning of image size is to insert a bigger version of the image than you really want. Then, in "Visual" view, click on the image and chhose "Edit". You're then offered a few downsizing %percentages. Caution: Once you downsize to a % (eg. 70%), you will not be ablle to undo that. The 70% size becomes the new 100% ...and you are allowed to increase. Solution: delete the image and re-insert it. Hopefully, as my skill with CSS improves I'll come up with better solutions!
TTFN -- Jim --

Apr 1, 2009, 07:50 PM
3,768 posts · Oct 2008
Munich, Germany
Originally Posted by zizi
Hi all,
When you insert a pic (by URL), there is a stylish frame that comes automatically... how to remove it ?
Delete the contents of Images -> Images in Posts / Images in Posts: Caption Style

Apr 2, 2009, 12:16 AM
Thank you Flynn and Jim !!

Apr 12, 2009, 03:09 AM
Hi Flynn,
Your suggestion removed the border from all images. Is there a way to remove the border from just one image?

Apr 14, 2009, 04:44 AM
3,768 posts · Oct 2008
Munich, Germany
Edit the post and give the image an ID
<img id="this-image" src=".....
and add an HTM/CSS Inserts -> CSS Insert
HTML Code:
img#this-image {
border: none;
padding: none;
Or target the image through its parent container, the post DIV
HTML Code:
div#post-152 img {
border: none;
padding: none;
This would remove the border of all images in the post with the ID 152. Static pages also have an ID

Jun 7, 2009, 05:36 AM
I am still having trouble with this . . . the text in my posts refuses to wrap around the image, and it is most noticeable when I use blockquotes. You can see it on the second page of my site (I purposefully changed the images on page one so it would be less noticeable to visitors). Check it out here: PAGE 2. Any ideas?
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