using WP Verson 2.9.1
using Atahualpa Theme Version 3.4
here's the site:
everything was working beautifully, making only content changes and no config/css edits for a while now. then yesterday, the header image and some of the css seems to have broken/gone away and the following lines of code show up on the site.
/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/favicon/20-favicon.ico" /> /xmlrpc.php" /> /xmlrpc.php?rsd" /> /wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml" />
/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/header/poa_wpheader_1_flat.jpg') top center no-repeat;">
i never specified a favicon but i do have custom header img in place. the file is there on the server, but not showing up for some reason.
also....from the site, when i click the Log In link, the actual site refreshes and does not take me to the WP Log In page.
If I enter the actual URL for the Log In page, I get to the Log In page but it's NOT styled correctly and then when I enter my Log In info, again, nothing happens except for a page refresh.
basically, i can't get into my WP dashboard to do anything.
has anyone come across this issue? would deeply appreciate any help or insight into this as i'm new to WP and don't know where to start for troubleshooting.
thanks in advance for any help!