But, in the middle of the page I want to have a "News from the Shop" announcement (might even be in a framed "box").
I thought the "Inline Post" plugin would be the solution, but in order to update what post would show on the page, I would have to go to the Dashboard, edit the page's html, changing the post number contained between the double square brackets "[[post##]]"
That's clunky. I want to be able to publish the "news annoucement" as a post, using a special category. The most recent post in that category will show up in the "News" box on the home page.
I found this code:
by Mr. Balkhis at http://www.balkhis.com/web-designs-r...-in-wordpress/.
while(have_posts()) : the_post();
<li><h3><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
<ul><li><?php the_content_limit(520); ?></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
In the line -- query_posts('showposts=1&cat=3');, the showposts= value sets how many posts will be displayed and cat= value specs which single category the displayed post(s) come from.
This sounds like it will work, but I can't figure out where to put it.