So here's the javascript that (I assume) controls that feature:
<?php if ( $bfa_ata['sticky_layout_footer'] == "Yes" ) { ?>
/* Strech short pages to full height, keep footer at bottom. */
/* Set a compensation value to fix browser differences and an overall
misalignment with this method */
if (jQuery.browser.msie || jQuery.browser.safari) {
var bfacompensate = 41;
} else {
var bfacompensate = 21;
/* Fix a jQuery/Opera 9.5+ bug with determining the window height */
var windowheight = jQuery.browser.opera && jQuery.browser.version > "9.5" &&
jQuery.fn.jquery <= "1.2.6" ? document.documentElement["clientHeight"] : jQuery(window).height();
/* Top and bottom padding may have been set on the BODY */
var paddingtop = parseInt(jQuery("body").css("padding-top"));
var paddingbottom = parseInt(jQuery("body").css("padding-bottom"));
/* Get the height of the header, footer, and the layout as a whole */
var headerheight = jQuery("td#header").height();
var footerheight = jQuery("td#footer").height();
var layoutheight = jQuery("div#wrapper").height();
/* Adjust height of middle column if (layout height + body padding-top + body padding-bottom) is smaller than
height of browser viewport */
if ( windowheight > (layoutheight + paddingtop + paddingbottom) ) {
var newmiddleheight = windowheight - paddingtop - headerheight - footerheight - paddingbottom - bfacompensate;
jQuery("td#middle").css({height: newmiddleheight + "px"});
<?php } ?>
Now, the div that contains the footer (and stretches the full width of the page) is div#divfooter.
Here is the code from my footer (pulled from page source).
<td id="footer" colspan="1">
<div id="divfooter"><div><table id="tablefooter">
<table id="footer" class="bfa_widget_area" style="table-layout:fixed;width:100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
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So can you give me an idea of what I would need to adjust, please? I see that the code I entered closes the default table and then creates a new div containing another table, so how do I make the JS account for that?
Now, I know next to nothing about JS, but I can read, and in looking at this code I see that it is adding(?) the heights of all the different page elements, and then subtracting that from the height of the middle column. I think. I'm even worse at math... but my first instinct is that I would need to add the div / table that was created with my code to that calculation somehow. Am I close?