First off, thanks for such a great program. I have a forum that I built using simple machines forum. I was able to link to this page by adding the link in the page menu bar. This was pretty easy to do. Now just wondering how i can format the atahualpa page menu bar to match the format of the smf menu bar.
The smf page menu bar is actually a image. I am sure it is an image because I have changed the format on this bar. Is that the same case with the atahualpa page? I checked all the images in the file and i cant seem to find anything that looks like its the page menu bar. I thought if i found the image, I could just replace it with the smf image. Is it something that must be written in the code? I am pretty new at this but have been able to come a far ways through trial and error (and through the ease of using atahualpa). Would someone mind showing me how to complete this last step?
Please let me know if anything I said does not make sense. Thank you very much.