I'm running the site shimbukan.se, and we have had very slow load times since the install of Atahualpa. I started out on version 3.5.3 and don't dare to update to the latest one.
Anyhow I tried to use Firebug and found out that total load time in Firefox is around 52 seconds (with the site catched by Firefox). With IE8 it's longer than 90 seconds for me.
The files that takes the longest to load is "?bfa_ata_file=js" and "?bfa_ata_file=css". Each takes approx 30 sec to load.
I contacted one.com that is the webhotell we use, they asked me to edit DB HOST to something other than localhost. That seemed to have made the site somewhat faster, but still those to previously mentioned files takes around 10 seconds each.
I have searched the forums and tried to disable different plugins etc, but still no difference. Those two files must be dealt with. But what can I do to fix this?
I would be very happy for some advice or help!