Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA
There will be no more development for Atahualpa (or any other theme), and no support. Also no new registrations. I turned off the donation system. I may turn the forum to read only if it gets abused for spam. Unfortunately I have no time for the forum or the themes. Thanks a lot to the people who helped in all these years, especially Larry and of course: Paul. Take care and stay healthy -- Flynn, Atahualpa developer, Sep 2021

Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA » WordPress Themes » Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme » Plugins & Atahualpa »

integrateing landingsite plugin

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Old Mar 16, 2009, 03:24 AM
35 posts · Jan 2009
56459 Mähren - Germany
integrateing landingsite plugin


I am trying to install a landing page plugin ( http://bueltge.de/wp-landingsites-de-plugin/181/)

to my new blog http://www.frank-hamm.webdesign.de

I did the following steps

copied i landingsites_de.php into Plugin-Directory (wp-content/plugins)
copied landingsite.php to atahulpa dirctory

activated the landsite-plugin in admin

so far so good

Now I want to integrate the output to the single articel view

by inserting

<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/landingsite.php'); ?>

IN other Themse this has to be done in single.php, which is not existing in atahulpa.
I think that everything is integrated in the header.php

So my question is:

Where do i have to integrate

<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/landingsite.php'); ?>

in the header.php

to get it displayed under my article in the single view?

Thanks in advance
Frank Hamm

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