Hi Flynn, I'd like to integrate the WP Twitip ID Plugin with my comments but I don't know where to add the code in the comments.php file.
The plugin instructions say
Put this in your comments.php file where you want to output the link
"image" : outputs image pointed to by image url field (uses anchor text as title attribute)
"text" : outputs text link using anchor text
"return": returns twitter id as variable to be used in php
"auto" : returns Twitter: @commentluv (linked username in a span with class="twitter_id")
example: <?php if(function_exists(wp_twitip_id_show)) { wp_twitip_id_show("auto"); }?>
Twitter: @CommentLuv
For styling use .twitter_id { font-size: 10px; }
So I presume I copy the "example" line above [ <?php if(function_exists(wp_twitip_id_show)) { wp_twitip_id_show("auto"); }?> ] and put it in the comments.php file.
Would you please point me to the best place to put the code? And do you have any further advice on using the plugin?
Many thanks!!