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Use Firebug or the "View Source" option of your browser to find out the ID or a unique class for the widget you want to style. For instance the archives widget looks like this:
<div id="
archives" class="
widget widget_archives">
<div class="
<h3>Widget Title</h3>
<div class="
Widget content here...
The DIV container for the whole "Archives" widget has 1 ID "archives", a general class "widget" and an individual class "widget_archives":
ID =
class =
class =
Add as HTML/CSS Inserts -> CSS Insert
HTML Code:
div#archives {
... /* style for the whole widget */
div#archives div.widget-title {
... /* style for the widget title box */
div#archives div.widget-title h3 {
... /* style for the widget Headline text */
div#archives div.widget-content {
... /* style for the widget body */
div#archives div.widget-content p {
... /* style for paragraphs inside the widget body */
div#archives div.widget-content img {
... /* style for images inside the widget body */
The unique class "widget_archives" makes sense once you start using multiple instances of the same widget, i.e. multiple text widgets.
Then you would use the semi-unique class "widget_text" to "group style" all text widgets, and each text widget's unique ID "text-1234567890" to apply additional, individual CSS for each single text widget.