1) go to ATO->Style & configure LAYOUT->Layout WIDTH and type (FLUID or FIXED) and set it to a percentage (as opposed to a 'fixed' width) then set the 'Layout MIN width' option to 320 (iPhone 4 size) or remove it altogether.
2) add the following to ATO->Add HTML/CSS Inserts->HTML Inserts: Header
HTML Code:
<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
HTML Code:
HTML Code:
<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if( $(window).width() < 768 ) { // If any left sidebar exists if ( $('#left').length || $('#left-inner').length ) { $("#middle").detach().prependTo('#bodyrow'); } } }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnResizeDocument () { if( window.innerWidth < 767 ) { jQuery(function($) { $("#middle").detach().prependTo('#bodyrow'); }); } if( window.innerWidth > 767 ) { jQuery(function($) { $("#left").detach().prependTo('#bodyrow'); }); } } </script>
HTML Code:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { table#layout, table#layout > tbody, table#layout > tbody > tr, table#layout > tbody > tr > td, table#layout > tr, table#layout > tr > td, table#layout td#header, table#layout td#left, table#layout td#left-inner, table#layout td#middle, table#layout td#right, table#layout td#right-inner, table#layout td#footer { display: block; } table#layout > colgroup { display: none; } div#wrapper, td#middle { width: auto; } } .hentry img { max-width: 100%; height: auto !important; display: block !important; }
Thanks to Flynn, sawyerjw, yukoner, kayphoonstar and extremecarver for their contributions.
3/28/18 NOTE: It seems that Andriod devices have an issue when using this code and trying to enter data using the virtual keyboard. The virtual keyboard will pop-up and then vanish. This can be corrected by replacing the 'HTML Inserts: Body Bottom' from above with
HTML Code:
<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if( $(window).width() < 768 ) { // If any left sidebar exists if ( $('#left').length || $('#left-inner').length ) { $("#middle").detach().prependTo('#bodyrow'); } } }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnResizeDocument () { if( window.innerWidth < 767 ) { // jQuery(function($) {$("#middle").detach().prependTo('#bodyrow'); } ); } if( window.innerWidth > 767 ) { jQuery(function($) {$("#left").detach().prependTo('#bodyrow'); } ); } } </script>