Comparing the code in bfa_recent_comments.php vs bfa_popular_posts.php (both files in the "functions" directory) seems to reveal the reason. bfa_recent_comments.php has an "if" statement that checks for the page you are on:
PHP Code:
if ( (is_home() && $bfa_rc_display_homepage == "on") OR
(is_category() && $bfa_rc_display_category == "on") OR
(is_single() && $bfa_rc_display_post == "on") OR
(is_page() && $bfa_rc_display_page == "on") OR
(is_date() && $bfa_rc_display_archive == "on") OR
(is_tag() && $bfa_rc_display_tag == "on") OR
(is_search() && $bfa_rc_display_search == "on") OR
(is_author() && $bfa_rc_display_author == "on") OR
(is_404() && $bfa_rc_display_404 == "on")) {
PHP Code:
if ( (is_home() && $bfa_pp_display_homepage == "on") OR
(is_category() && $bfa_pp_display_category == "on") OR
(is_single() && $bfa_pp_display_post == "on") OR
(is_page() && $bfa_pp_display_page == "on") OR
(is_date() && $bfa_pp_display_archive == "on") OR
(is_tag() && $bfa_pp_display_tag == "on") OR
(is_search() && $bfa_pp_display_search == "on") OR
(is_author() && $bfa_pp_display_author == "on") OR
(is_404() && $bfa_pp_display_404 == "on")) {