I just hit the New Posts button on this site and suddenly noticed the vast amount of posts/requests per day. G...wonder how you guys can keep up. 'If'
I've been googeling and searching through this forum, and see that people have had more or less the same type of questions.
I'm just not 100% sure that any of them is exactly what I need.
From what I believe now if that I should take a static page as my front/homepage and 'create' a posts-page which looks exactly like is does now on my posts homepage. Any tutorial on how to create a posts page that is exactly like the standard posts display in Atahualpa?
But, since I'm only talking about 4 or 5 lines of text or some links to static content, isn't there a much easier option for that to be displayed 'only' on the homepage, above the first post?
As I'm typing this, I think I would call it a 'welcome' text I guess...