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-   -   Category Page Broken WP ecommerce (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=13906)

brideoflinux Apr 25, 2011 06:28 PM

Category Page Broken WP ecommerce
I just upgraded to wp ecommerce version 3.8.1 and upgraded WP at the same time to 3.1.1 for a site that's still in the build stage but about to go live. Every thing seems to be fine, but... There's always that "but..." If you click on a product category, you get a page that's pretty much broken. No links. Text that should be part of a script displays, all fonts default size... If you click the "all products" page, everything works perfectly.

View a broken category page here: http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/

View a properly displaying page here: http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/

I've pretty well narrowed this down to a theme problem. Everything works fine using the Twenty Ten theme. This site is currently running Atahualpa 3.6.4 - but I had a similar problem running version 3.5.1.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

juggledad Apr 25, 2011 07:08 PM

There is not enough information to try to help you. How did you build your products, how many products, categories, are all the fields in the products filled in, what values, are you using any extra options (if the plugin has any)

without having access to the site, there are too many variables to try to reproduce something like this. You said you had a similar problem in 3.5.1, well what did you do to fix it then?

brideoflinux Apr 25, 2011 07:47 PM

It was the same site that had the problem in 3.5.1 after I upgraded wp ecommerce. Upgrading to 3.6.4 solved a related problem (sidebar not showing up on category page). If you follow the links I provided on the first post you can see what I mean and all of the other questions will be answered. As I said, everything displays fine if you look at a list of all products, but when you look at a category page, it's like much of the html is stripped from the source. (Again, all links and images are gone, etc...)

brideoflinux Apr 25, 2011 07:48 PM

There are four categories and about seventeen products at this time. My client is adding more even as I try to get this fixed...

juggledad Apr 25, 2011 08:10 PM

Chech to see at ato->configure excerpts if you are showing foll posts or excerpts on the various pages. When showing excerpts, HTML is stripped unless you fill in the 'do not strip' option

brideoflinux Apr 25, 2011 08:43 PM

Ah, we're getting started. Setting to full doesn't help (evidently wp ecommerce overwrites setting?), but the "do not strip" option works until I get to the AJAX to post to the shopping cart. Maybe I'm just not sure of WHAT to strip here?

juggledad Apr 26, 2011 05:15 AM

Since I don't know what you have added to the products, I have no way of knowing. I created a couple products and had no issue, of course I didn't fill them completely in. So like I said, without knowing what is part of the product (ie where and what ajax code did you use)...

brideoflinux Apr 26, 2011 10:03 AM

We haven't "used" any AJAX code. Whenever you create a new product, a "Add to Cart" button is created in the category list view so that the visitor can purchase the product without any further ado. This is a function of the wp e-commerce app. This "Add to Cart" refers to AJAX code.

Here is an example of the code as it renders in another theme, displaying properly:

<div id="post-123" class="post-123 wpsc-product type-wpsc-product status-publish hentry">

<h1 class="entry-title">Bulk Herbs</h1>

<div class="entry-content">

<div id='products_page_container' class="wrap wpsc_container">

<div class='wpsc_category_details'>


<!-- Start Pagination -->
<!-- End Pagination -->

<div class="productdisplay default_product_display product_view_123 bulk-herbs">
<div class="textcol">

<div class="imagecol">
<div class="item_no_image">
<a href="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-catnip/">
<span>No Image Available</span>

<div class="producttext">

<h2 class="prodtitles">

<a class="wpsc_product_title" href="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-catnip/">Organic Catnip</a>

<a class='wpsc_edit_product' href='http://tea-sanctuary.com/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&amp;post=123'>Edit</a> </h2>

<div class='wpsc_description'><p>Catnip is a member of the mint family. It has calming properties so it works great for anxiety and stress. It also helps with insomnia, stomach ailments, and headaches.</p>
<p>2 oz</p>

<form class='product_form' enctype="multipart/form-data" action="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-catnip/" method="post" name="product_123" id="product_123" >

<div class="custom_meta">

<div class="wpsc_variation_forms">


<p class="wpsc_extras_forms"/>
<div class="wpsc_product_price">
<span id="product_price_123" class="pricedisplay"> $5.49</span>Price:<br/>


<input type="hidden" value="add_to_cart" name="wpsc_ajax_action"/>
<input type="hidden" value="123" name="product_id"/>

<div class='wpsc_buy_button_container'>
<input type='image' src='http://tea-sanctuary.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/themes/marketplace/images/atc.gif' id='product_123_submit_button' class='wpsc_buy_button' name='Buy' value="Add To Cart" />

<div class='wpsc_loading_animation'>
<img title="Loading" alt="Loading" src="http://tea-sanctuary.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/images/indicator.gif" class="loadingimage"/>

Updating cart... </div>


This is the code rendered through Atahualpa 3.6.4 that displays broken:

<div class="post-123 wpsc-product type-wpsc-product status-publish hentry odd" id="post-123">

<div class="post-headline"> <h2> <a href="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-catnip/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Organic Catnip">Organic Catnip</a></h2>

<div class="post-bodycopy clearfix"><p> <a href="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-catnip/"> <span>No Image Available</span> </a><br />
<h2 class="prodtitles"> <a class="wpsc_product_title" href="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-catnip/">Organic Catnip</a> <a class='wpsc_edit_product' href='http://tea-sanctuary.com/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&amp;post=123'>Edit</a> </h2>

<p>Catnip is a member of the mint family. It has calming properties so it works great for anxiety and stress. It also helps with insomnia, stomach ailments, and headaches.</p>
<p>2 oz</p>
<form class='product_form' enctype="multipart/form-data" action="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-catnip/" method="post" name="product_123" id="product_123" >
<p class="wpsc_extras_forms"/>
<p> <span id="product_price_123" class="pricedisplay"> $5.49</span>Price:</p>
<p> <img title="Loading" alt="Loading" src="http://tea-sanctuary.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/images/indicator.gif" class="loadingimage"/><br />
Updating cart… </p></form>

<p> <a href="http://tea-sanctuary.com/products-page/bulk-herbs/organic-chamomile/"><br />
<span>No Image Available</span><br />

brideoflinux Apr 26, 2011 10:05 AM

The above example is from the top of the column to the end of the first product listing.

brideoflinux Apr 26, 2011 11:24 AM

What would help, perhaps, is if I could get no tags inside a category post stripped.

brideoflinux Apr 26, 2011 12:09 PM

Okay, I've got the display problem solved for the category pages, except for the fact that the category name at the top of the column, which should read as the name of the category itself, such as "medicinal teas" is now reading as one of the products in that category. Any ideas?

juggledad Apr 26, 2011 02:54 PM

looks like you got it fixed - Yes...No??

brideoflinux Apr 27, 2011 07:17 PM

That problem, yes. However, at the top of each category, where it should have the name of the category, I'm getting the name of one of the products.

juggledad Apr 28, 2011 04:16 AM

What did you do to 'fix' it, the fix may be the cause of the new problem

MikeBegley May 6, 2011 12:47 PM

I'm running into something similar for a site I'm building for a friend. The site can be seen here:


In the left column, at the top I'm using the Product Catagory widget, and when a user clicks on a category, the category isn't displayed properly, and the url is http://machine/category-name

Also, at the bottom of the left column, I've simulated the proper behavior using a custom menu. In this case, when the user clicks a link in this menu, I've set the target URL to http://machine/product-page/category-name.

This doesn't happen when I use other themes. This also doesn't happen with the current atahualpa and WP-EC 3.7.x, so I'm not sure if the bug lies in the theme, WP-EC or some interesting interaction between the two.

Thanks for any assistance you can offer!


edwardmccaughan May 19, 2011 06:21 AM

I'm having a similar problem, but I suspect the problem is that the category view isn't using the ecommerce catagory template to render, but is actually using the blog post (or something along those lines)

(quick warning before I begin, the carneval links are for an adult toys site I'm building for someone. there's no nudity or anything eye watering on it, but if you open it at work, colleagues might get a bit suspicious about your hobbies)

on mine, viewing a catagory throws out the right text, but doesn't bring in the formatting, javascript or custom images that it should:

changing back to twentyten theme makes it display correctly.

I came across a similar and possibly connected issue on the getshopped support forum:
but putting the template files in place like it said didn't seem to help me

does anyone with better ideas of how atahualpa picks up custom templates got any clues?

edwardmccaughan May 20, 2011 05:52 AM

One other clue that might help someone solve this, there was a similar issue on a different theme, which was supposedly fixed:

so when I try:
it uses the standard blog post template, which doesn't have any formatting, but if I add the page id of the main store page:
it magically starts using the correct template and working perfectly

I'm still learning the internals of wordpress, so poking at the code hasn't given me any obvious solutions, but I will continue poking.

lds May 22, 2011 05:56 AM

#brideoflinux, ref. to post13 and 14, what did you do to solv the problem.

Have the same problem here, been looking for bug fix for weeks, without any results.

lmilesw May 22, 2011 04:25 PM

It looks like @brideoflinux switch from WP eCommerce to eShop.

edwardmccaughan May 23, 2011 08:19 AM

I've managed to fix this on my site, in an only slightly cludgy way.

I took the Atahualpa "themes/atahualpa364/index.php" template file and replaced the part that normally displays posts with the single product display template from "plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-theme/wpsc-single_product.php" and saved it as: "themes/atahualpa364/taxonomy-wpsc_product_category.php"

this makes atahualpa use that template on that the category view and hey presto, it seems to work as it should.

if anyone wants to try and see if it fixes the problem for them, I've put the file up here:
just drop the .php file inside into your atahualpa theme folder and it should work. probably.

This still doesn't answer the question of why the problem occurs in the first place though :-/

jeroenbinken May 26, 2011 07:19 PM

Took me hours to find the cause of the problem! Standard theme does not give any problems, but switching to Atahualpa creates it. Will give "edwardmccaughan" solution a go.

jeroenbinken May 26, 2011 07:41 PM

This gives me the extensive list view, how do I edit this file to give me the grid view? Something like a grid of 4x4 thumbnails of the products? In addition, I would like to have a white background (I think it is transparent now?), TIA!

Website is: http://interieurdeco.nl/

jeroenbinken May 27, 2011 02:21 PM

I set ATO>configure excerpts all to show full, but this did not solve the problem. Anybody any ideas, TIA?

BTW I have the latest version all 3 (Atahualpa, Wordpress, WP E-commerce)

jeroenbinken May 30, 2011 05:14 PM

Anybody any suggestions? I have been trying to figure out what is going wrong, but can't solve this issue. :(

jeroenbinken May 30, 2011 10:18 PM

06:00 in the morning and I found the problem. The product categories widget displays the following link, which does not work

HTML Code:

but the link below does work

HTML Code:

I assume that I will have to edit the "wpsc-category_widget.php" file? Which contains the following code

$curr_cat = get_term( $category_id, 'wpsc_product_category', ARRAY_A );
$category_list = get_terms( 'wpsc_product_category', 'hide_empty=0&parent=' . $category_id );
$link = get_term_link((int)$category_id , 'wpsc_product_category');
$category_image = wpsc_get_categorymeta( $curr_cat['term_id'], 'image' );
$category_image = WPSC_CATEGORY_URL . $category_image;
$show_name = $instance['show_name'];

if ( $grid ) : ?>

<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" style="padding: 4px 4px 0 0; width:<?php echo $width; ?>px; height:<?php echo $height; ?>px;" title="<?php echo $curr_cat['name']; ?>" class="wpsc_category_grid_item">
<?php wpsc_parent_category_image( $show_thumbnails, $category_image , $width, $height, true ,$show_name); ?>

<?php wpsc_start_category_query( array( 'parent_category_id' => $category_id, 'show_thumbnails' => $show_thumbnails, 'show_name' => $show_name) ); ?>

<a href="<?php wpsc_print_category_url(); ?>" style="width:<?php echo $width; ?>px; height:<?php echo $height; ?>px" class="wpsc_category_grid_item" title="<?php wpsc_print_category_name(); ?>">
<?php wpsc_print_category_image( $width, $height ); ?>

<?php wpsc_print_subcategory( '', '' ); ?>

<?php wpsc_end_category_query(); ?>

<?php else : ?>
<div class="wpsc_categorisation_group" id="categorisation_group_<?php echo $category_id; ?>">
<ul class="wpsc_categories wpsc_top_level_categories">
<li class="wpsc_category_<?php echo $curr_cat['term_id']; wpsc_print_category_classes($curr_cat); ?>">
<?php if(! ($category_image == WPSC_CATEGORY_URL) ){ ?>
<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" class="wpsc_category_image_link"><?php
wpsc_parent_category_image( $show_thumbnails, $category_image , $width, $height, false, $show_name ); ?></a>
<?php } ?>

<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $curr_cat['name'] ); ?></a>

<ul class="wpsc_categories wpsc_second_level_categories">

<?php wpsc_start_category_query( array( 'parent_category_id' => $category_id, 'show_thumbnails' => $show_thumbnails , 'show_name' => $show_name) ); ?>

<li class="wpsc_category_<?php wpsc_print_category_id(); wpsc_print_category_classes_section();?>">
<a href="<?php wpsc_print_category_url(); ?>" class="wpsc_category_image_link">

<?php wpsc_print_category_image( $width, $height ); ?>


<a href="<?php wpsc_print_category_url(); ?>" class="wpsc_category_link">

<?php wpsc_print_category_name(); ?>

<?php if ( 1 == get_option( 'show_category_count') ) wpsc_print_category_products_count( "(",")" ); ?>


<?php wpsc_print_subcategory( '<ul>', '</ul>' ); ?>


<?php wpsc_end_category_query(); ?>


<div class="clear_category_group"></div>

<?php endif; ?>

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