Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

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-   Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme (http://forum.bytesforall.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2)
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WordPressZen.com Nov 25, 2009 08:02 AM

SimonKemp of Hyde-End.com -- VERY nice! Any chance you'd be willing to share what script or plugin you are using for your photo slideshows?

WordPressZen.com Nov 25, 2009 08:07 AM

Hi Jim --
I recently helped a do-it-yourself client build an Ata site with Shopp plugin, but since the client sells "slightly adult" wear, I don't feel right sharing the URL in a public forum. PM me and I'll send you the link if you want to have a look at it.

I'm also in the midst of building two more Ata/Shopp sites -- Previous to Shopp, I spend more hours than I want to remember setting up WP-Ecommerce on multiple sites and then subsequently fighting all of it's bugs (and getting ZERO response/support from the developer despite being a Gold/paid upgrade user). Needless to say, I am anti wp-ecommerce at this point. I have also tried about 4 other ecommerce/wordpress integrations...

WordPressZen.com Nov 25, 2009 08:16 AM

Ken Thomas
Try the plugin called "Flexi Pages" to allow yourself to put more than one page widget in sidebars. I also allows you to control which pages/subpages appear in any given widget area.

Happy WordPressing!

Newdust.com Nov 25, 2009 10:41 AM

Hey Jim -

Hahaha, I can see why you might think that. We're mainly based out of Dallas, but one of our writers just moved to D.C. to get his masters in Political Science. Thanks for the kind words by the way, stick around on the blog for awhile, you might find some music that tickles your fancy as well. That was a shameless plug, but I just had to.


billy2 Nov 27, 2009 12:23 PM


SuperMegaRobot Nov 27, 2009 07:45 PM

Hi everybody!
I've been using Atahualpa for a few months and I really love it. I just joined the forum, after a few weeks of coming here to just read some of the threads.
I am not an advanced user like many of you are, but I'm slowly working on some things and trying to tweak the template to give it its own personality. I have some other projects I'd like to develop using this template, so my first blog is also the field where I experiment with some things.

I'd love to receive your feedback, comments and suggestions. It's in Spanish and it's basically about robots, but also about all the things I like: tv shows, movies, comic books, etc.



WordPressZen.com Nov 28, 2009 07:28 PM

Hi SuperMegaRobot
Welcome to the awesome world of the Atahualpa (and soon ThemeFrame too) theme!
I wanted to say that I quite like your cartoon robot image in your header, is it yours? If it is, then you might consider expanding on that graphic theme with similar or related images throughout your site. Just an idea!

WordPressZen.com Nov 28, 2009 07:38 PM

Okay...since this is the thread to showcase (showoff just sounds too brazen!) what we have been able to accomplish design-wise with Atahualpa...so here goes!

I'm in the process of going into business locally with a new partner and our web design/seo/web marketing studio is called Good Web Karma...as of a marathon session today, I have a beta site using Ata for our new website at http://www.goodwebkarma.com. I've built over 20 sites for clients with Atahualpa (some more custom than others, which I'll collate and showcase another day) but since this one was all mine, I played like a kid in a sandbox and in the process discovered a few little customization corners of the Ata interface that I hadn't poked around in previously. What fun!

The site is not completely done yet -- my partner and I are officially debuting Jan 1, 2010 -- the graphics/logo on there are just ones I threw together today in a hurry (I'm waiting to receive upgraded graphics with more depth and excitement from a local graphic artist) so there is bound to be more changes and improvements between now and then, but I'd love to hear some feedback if anyone feels inclined to put in their two cents!


okephoto Nov 30, 2009 05:34 PM

I have been working on my second site using this theme and have been really enjoying the modification. Great theme.

The new site is The Gulf Islands Guide which shows off this beautiful area in western Canada. Would love to hear some feedback as I fine tune the site and add additional content.


WordPressZen.com Nov 30, 2009 07:15 PM

Hey there Kevin...
Your website topic is all about my home digs!! I grew up partly Victoria, and partly Hornby Island :0)
I noticed you feature vacation homes on your site...any chance you'd list my sister's cabin? http://jillscabana.com (not an Atahualpa site...yet!!!)

Wimbledon Dec 2, 2009 12:08 AM

Hello everyone,

I would like to showcase how I've integrated Atahualpa with a forum system on one of the many sites I've built with this wonderful theme. I don't recall anyone else in this thread featuring Atahualpa as part of a forum-centered website, so I figured I would post.

Rather than make do with a limiting, standard-forum front page, I decided to extend my options with a blog front end driven by Atahualpa and Wordpress.

In the left sidebar I've used an RSS feed to show the most recent forum topics and input on the site from our members has been positive. :)


ChaseMann Dec 4, 2009 11:03 AM

Well I like the idea of showing off and I think Atahualpa is THE PERFECT WordPress Theme!

It's so incredibly flexible!

I've been able to perform every customization that I've wanted too.
The next thing I'm going to customize is my page bar to make it more graphically interesting.

Here's my Atahualpa themed website: Aim It Media

Let me know what everyone thinks.

gtaber Dec 5, 2009 11:18 AM

how did you get the lightbox/shadowbox working with this theme?
Thanks much.

lmilesw Dec 5, 2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by gtaber (Post 20212)
how did you get the lightbox/shadowbox working with this theme?
Thanks much.

Different lightbox, shadowbox, highslide plugins can interfere with one another but something I have missed at times is not have the link set on the photo or picture.

What lightbox are you trying to use?

erergyrater Dec 5, 2009 08:50 PM

Home Inspection and Green Building.

The Green Building Inspector - www.greenbuildinginspector.com

lmilesw Dec 5, 2009 09:19 PM

eregyrater... You have some spurious code at the top of your page.

ChaseMann Dec 6, 2009 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by gtaber (Post 20212)
how did you get the lightbox/shadowbox working with this theme?
Thanks much.

If you're asking me, I used the NextGen Gallery plugin:

I test all my sites in various browsers (since I do web design) and everything works fine for me.

paulae Dec 8, 2009 08:49 AM

A client wanted a site for her international women's rights group. High visibility, especially during the next UN General Assembly. I was flattered that they came to me (I'm a friend of one of their board members). Of course, I had to do the site in WP and Atahualpa. It turned out well, and is still being built: http://anglicanwomensempowerment.org/

They didn't want anything too hip or flashy, and I'm working under some constraints (they don't have good photos, for the most part, and there isn't much new content at the moment). I had to pull everything from an old sub-site of the Episcopal Diocese of NY site. I'm just starting to train one of their NY members to be the webmaster, and that's a whole 'nother issue! WP seems easy to us, but it's a challenge for non-tech people.

Thank you again, Flynn, for this marvelously malleable theme.

wildangelone Dec 12, 2009 01:41 AM

I still love this theme! I'm using it for 9 months now and it's a kind of "playground" for me... everytime I create a new layout with this theme (4-5 times a year) it looks different. This time my weblog looks completely different, but it's still the Atahualpa theme.... ;)


Keep on that good work Flynn! :)

SuperMegaRobot Dec 13, 2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by WordPressZen.com (Post 19783)
Hi SuperMegaRobot
Welcome to the awesome world of the Atahualpa (and soon ThemeFrame too) theme!
I wanted to say that I quite like your cartoon robot image in your header, is it yours? If it is, then you might consider expanding on that graphic theme with similar or related images throughout your site. Just an idea!

Thanks for your feedback, WordPressZen.
Yes, that cartoon image is/was mine, but now I've recently updated with others that I did in photoshop using some textures and brushes.
Thanks for the idea about expanding the same graphic theme through my site. I'll definitely consider it!

What I'm trying to do right now is decide the ideal width for the site, and at the same time the width for the center/main column and the right column, since I think I'll get rid of the left column (I feel like it's just using space and I could put all that on the right side). I'm taking a look at the other sites that members are posting here, to have a better idea on what to do (most of my visitors have at least a resolution of 1024px.)

CondoAnalysis Dec 14, 2009 07:46 PM

Take a look at my new Atahualpa site. I still have to update some of the internal Post/Pages formating to the new type but take a look. I am still tweaking the HTML/CSS Inserts.

I would appreciate any and all comments. http://hopefaithprayer.com/

Thanks, Rex

EdZee Dec 16, 2009 07:04 PM

I am using Atahualpa 3.4.4 in our I-Café Pilipinas website. I added Server Forum 1.3 and it serves our simple need for an integrated discussion board.

lucy Dec 18, 2009 05:37 AM

Hey ShepherdJim. I am a Shepherd too! Your sheep are lovely. We have American Southdowns.
Here is my site - it's not very customized.

This is by far my favorite theme. I am using it to build one for another farmer in the area, and I plan to customize that one more. She won't have 12 years of content like I did, so it's going to be simple. She also needs some very simple e-commerce since she just has a few products and doesn't have need for a merchant account yet. I am thinking simple PayPal buttons might be the way to go, judging from what I have read here.

Fleur Dec 18, 2009 11:13 AM

Atahualpa is wunderfull.
Here is my Blog

Juslyn Dec 22, 2009 12:42 AM

Our Site

Atahualpa is simply awesome, no question.

We've had virtually no experience in building a site or blog, but the vast amount of user-friendly options and explanations available in the theme made the job very workable for beginners like us. We can confidently say that we wouldn't have been able to do a fraction of the things we were able to do with Atahualpa if we were using another theme, given our limited prior knowledge.

Thanks to Flynn and everyone else for their support.


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