Hello all, this is my first post here, but Atahualpa has been great to my site so far so I haven't needed help yet. I decided to add a media gallery to my site, with each gallery featuring a separate subpage that has the DM Album plug-in used. My only problem is that I only want the Media Gallery link to show up on my menu, and none of the sub-pages. I have tried putting the page ID in the "Exclude Pages from Menu bar" and reducing the "Depth of Page Menu Bar" to 1, but neither has helped.
You can see the problem on the top left menu on my site: http://www.runicgamesfansite.com . I only want Media Gallery to show up, and not "The Early Days".
Thanks in advance for anyone who can help!
P.S. While I am asking, is there any way to get rid of those bullet point blocks on all the menus?