Hi, first I just want to say great job on this theme, it really makes it pretty easy for novices like me to get great blogs. I also donated some to the cause of atahualpa, since I think it should be the default wp theme...
Anyway, I am almost ready to publish my blog (at last) and just have a few minor tweaks I would like to do.
Instead of doing four posts, I am just going to beg for help with several tiny problems all in one post. Hopefully this way someone else can use the info.
Here goes:
1. I love how the padding looks on the images I post, but I would like to add/change a small (#333333) border around this also. I want this to be the same for every image I post, but not for the things in the sidebars. Where do I go to do this?
2. In the search bar, I have the code as such:
<form method="get" class="searchform" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/">
<table class="searchform" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td class="searchfield">
<input type="text" class="text inputblur"
onfocus="this.value='<?php echo (get_search_query() ? get_search_query() : '' ); ?>'"
value="<?php echo (get_search_query() ? get_search_query() : '' ); ?>" name="s" />
<td class="searchbutton">
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Go" />
I would like to change the color of the word 'search' and have it be left justified, even though the sidebar is set to centered.Also, under the word 'search' I would like to put a gray dotted line (#cccccc).
3. In my left sidebar, I want my images centered, but I would like categories and archives (at least the titles) to be left justified. Is there a simple way to do this?
4. You have given me the code for making just the arrow part of the << newer posts nav link a different color than the wording, but it is not working. I think it is because those arrows are part of the link, following the styling for links. Is there a way to unlink just the arrows, or keep them a link and still change them red? I would want the words to change on hover, but not the arrows, they should stay red always.
Sorry this is so long, please don't rush, I know you have tons of questions from newbies. Thanks again!!