I figured out how to block the byline from displaying in the first full post on the home page.
I've figured out how to make the byline show up on all the archive/category/etc pages.
But I can't figure out how to block it from showing up in my RSS feed.
As a result, I get a format that displays thumbnail AND post image - and they're the same photo.
Is there some conditional tag I can use to block the byline from displaying in my RSS feed? I tried to use the same php code that excludes certain categories from RSS, but it didn't work.
Site: http://www.fantasticweapon.com
Feed: http://www.fantasticweapon.com/feed
Running Atahualpa 3.4.2 and Wordpress 2.9
This is the code currently in my loop section (via Style/edit center column in Atahualpa Theme Options):
<?php /* Post Container starts here */ if ( function_exists('post_class') ) { ?> <div <?php if ( is_page() ) { post_class('post'); } else { post_class("$odd_or_even"); } ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <?php } else { ?> <div class="<?php echo ( is_page() ? 'page ' : '' ) . $odd_or_even . ' post" id="post-'; the_ID(); ?>"> <?php } ?><?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // the current post has a thumbnail } else { // the current post lacks a thumbnail } ?><?php bfa_post_kicker('<div class="post-kicker">','</div>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_headline('<div class="post-headline">','</div>'); ?><?php if ( is_front_page() AND $bfa_ata['postcount'] > 1) { ?> <?php bfa_post_byline('<div class="post-byline">','</div>'); ?><?php } ?><?php if ( is_category() AND $bfa_ata['postcount'] > 1) { ?> <?php bfa_post_byline('<div class="post-byline">','</div>'); ?><?php } ?><?php if ( is_author() AND $bfa_ata['postcount'] > 1) { ?> <?php bfa_post_byline('<div class="post-byline">','</div>'); ?><?php } ?><?php if ( is_archive() AND $bfa_ata['postcount'] > 1) { ?> <?php bfa_post_byline('<div class="post-byline">','</div>'); ?><?php } ?> <?php bfa_post_bodycopy('<div class="post-bodycopy clearfix">','</div>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_pagination('<p class="post-pagination"><strong>'.__('Pages:','atahualpa').'</strong>','</p>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_footer('<div class="post-footer">','</div>'); ?> </div><!-- / Post -->