First I followed your instruction via another post
Originally Posted by juggledad
edit bfa_footer.php and add the following after line 14 (global $bfa_ata
HTML Code:
// Page Menu Bar
$page_menu_bar = '<div id="menu1"><ul id="rmenu2" class="clearfix rMenu-hor rMenu">' . "\n";
if ($bfa_ata['home_page_menu_bar'] != '') {
$page_menu_bar .= '<li class="page_item';
if (function_exists('is_front_page')) {
if (is_front_page() OR is_home()) {
$page_menu_bar .= ' current_page_item';
} elseif (is_home()) {
$page_menu_bar .= ' current_page_item';
$page_menu_bar .= '"><a href="' . get_option('home') . '/" title="' . get_option('blogname') . '">' .
$bfa_ata['home_page_menu_bar'] . '</a></li>' . "\n";
if ($bfa_ata['levels_page_menu_bar'] == "") {
$bfa_ata['levels_page_menu_bar'] = 0;
$page_menu_bar .= bfa_hor_pages($bfa_ata['sorting_page_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['levels_page_menu_bar'],
$bfa_ata['titles_page_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['exclude_page_menu_bar']);
$page_menu_bar .= '</ul></div>' . "\n";
$footer_content .= $page_menu_bar;
// END of Page Menu Bar
After that each time in this bit of code I saw in the IDs or CLASSes the word "menu" I changed it to "menu_footer"
ANd once this was done, I had to duplicate the CSS INSERTS I had created to style my menu and change each class/id "menu" to "menu_footer" in the newly inserted attributes...
Globally that did the trick for me... After I think it depends on each of us applies inserts to style the menu. I believe the same could be done to the category menu, but I wont need to experiment with this...