I am making a three-language website using Atahulpa 3.4.4, Wordpress 2.8.5 and qTranslate 2.5. I love the plugin, but I have one problem. The title of a post or page appears in only one language, the default language. In the menu the titles appear in the correct language.
In the pages I worked my way around it by ticking the "Check to NOT display the Body Title on Single Post or Static Pages" box, and made titles/headlines in each page separately. But it will not work for the posts and having headlines in the wrong languages in the main page does not look very professional. So I need help.
I have tried many ways to make the titles work in all languages, but it seems to be a big problem. If this is not possible (I am not very good at programming, but can manage basic editing of php and css when someone tells me what to do) please help me to remove the titles in the posts as well as the pages.
Hoping for help!