I was just giving the easy suggestion first. You could play with this. Edit bfa_hor_pages.php
change line 6 (version 3.4.2) from
HTML Code:
$list_pages_string = wp_list_pages('sort_column=' . $sort_order . '&title_li=&depth=' . $levels . '&exclude=' . trim(str_replace(" ", "", $exclude)) . '&echo=0');
to this
HTML Code:
$list_pages_string = wp_list_pages('sort_column=' . $sort_order . '&title_li=&depth=' . $levels . '&exclude=' . trim(str_replace(" ", "", $exclude)) . '&echo=0'. '&link_before=* ' . '&link_after= *');
this will add a * before and after the page name. You could also use
link_after=<img src=”http://mydomain.com/myImage.gif"
This will put the image after each page titles - the down side is it will put it after teh last page also (which is why I suggested using the link_before and link_after in my first example) and it will put it after the page name in submenu's also