Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA
There will be no more development for Atahualpa (or any other theme), and no support. Also no new registrations. I turned off the donation system. I may turn the forum to read only if it gets abused for spam. Unfortunately I have no time for the forum or the themes. Thanks a lot to the people who helped in all these years, especially Larry and of course: Paul. Take care and stay healthy -- Flynn, Atahualpa developer, Sep 2021

Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA » WordPress Themes » Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme »

How to make posts appear on different pages (with comments ability)?

Old Jul 22, 2009, 06:14 PM
5 posts · Jul 2009
I have just installed your beautiful theme "Atahualpa". It is really nice, practical and well done with a lot of features. However there are couple of things that I cannot resolve, so I am asking for help and advice.


1) I would like to be able put my posts on different PAGES (not only "Home") on the same way I can do it on "Home" page (with comments thread available after EACH post). Is it possible?

2) How I can LIMIT number of posts per page, so there would be at the bottom "older posts" arrow? Now, posts are going infinitely which I want to avoid at any cost, but don't know how?

3) I have trouble with fonts (old shortcoming of WordPress, though). With "Atahualpa" for example, Headline fonts at the "Home" page are different than at the other pages, and I coludn't change it no matter what. Also, font of the name of my website took the same font from "Home" Headlines, so I couldn'd change it as well. I tried everything, including deleting widgets and even re-instaling complete "Atahualpa" - nothing helped.

4) I have constantly error message at the bottom of browser screen (I am using IE 8): "Done, but with errors on page". It looks ugly and I couldnt get rid of it even after re-instaling site. I think your script is very "heavy" and very sensitive to any change (for example puting your ordinary and light widgets). I think it has inside some "caching" feature that prevents me to start with clean theme after re-installing. It always "remembers" previous set-up. From the other side, I think script "heaviness" is contributing to slower loading of whole site and pages.


I will appreciate any help and advices.

Thank you.
Old Jul 23, 2009, 08:46 AM
Flynn's Avatar
3,768 posts · Oct 2008
Munich, Germany
1) See Page2Cat plugin, there are many threads about it here on the forum

2) This is a Wordpress setting: WP admin -> Settings -> Reading

3) Post headlines are links on multi post pages but only text (not linked) on their dedicated single post page. There are styling options for both states (link, not link) at Stlye POSTS & PAGES -> Headline ... / Headline ... / Headline ...

4) This is probably related to different Javascript frameworks working against each other. Try disabling plugins one by one so see if it's caused by a plugin (and the Javascript framework it brought into the page)
Old Jul 26, 2009, 02:53 AM
5 posts · Jul 2009
Hi Flynn,

Sorry, I didn't give you my website name (maybe you know it anyway). It is http://earthweblink.com

Thank you for prompt answer and advice. It was very useful. I will need some time to implememnt all, though.

I am interested in few more things:

1) I would like to have full comments option field-widget (with 3 fields: Name, e-maii, website...eventually captcha?) instead of just area for comments as I have now (see good example at http://inspirationalparenting.com/ - very nice)

2) I would like to have at the end of post just: "Read more>>>", instead of too long and almost invisible sentence: "Continue reading of blablablabla... post". It can be seen only by mouse hover - very unpractical and doesn't persuade visitor to read further, because it looks as a part of text.

3) I have installed Forum, however, how to put a DIRECT LINK to it by clicking on the "Forum" button, instead of opening a new "Forum" page? It is quite ugly now, and even with Web 1.0 (few years ago) I was able do that using just simple HTML link...Things shoud be now simpler and more efficient.

4) Just one more info (not obligatory question): are you considering making modular, dynamic version of your Atahualpa theme or maybe a new version of it? I think that would be more appropriate to Web 2.0 esp. for news oriented sites. Even though Atahualpa is very, very good and neat theme (for me, the best WP BLOG theme now!) it still belong to Web 1.0 because is static and more "blogish". Tings are going toward blog-website intergration in terms of scripting and features (take a look at today's Yahoo news, for example). And that is good thing!

Please do not take personally any of my comments.

Thank you for giving us such a wonderful blog theme about which I dreamed couple of years ago.

Thank you for your help and I wish you all the best in the future.



error message, fonts, loading speed, pages, posts

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