Hi guys,
I stumbled across this theme and am very impressed with it.
However, I think it could be improved a bit. So here are a few suggestions...
1. A backup facility for all settings ans stylesheet changes. Perhaps this is alreasy there but I have not seen if so.
2. Looks ... I think the fonts used are way to large and chunky/blocky. I have modified them as shown on this site: http://homeschool.ac.nz/ and I think they look a lot nicer. Of course this is subjective :-) but I thought I would let you know.
3. To make the changes required me to meddle a wee bit with the style sheet which is a shame as it is amazingly customizable without touching the raw .css coding. Thus I think it would be nice to be able to customize heading font sizes from the settings pages.
4. The theme upload is quite big compared to many themes. I would personally remove all except a few of the favicons to slim the theme down. I personally will probably never use any of them.
5. The SEARCH box has no search text next to it or inside it. how 'bout a "...search here..." text in the search box?
6. The small grey rectanglar bullets in the LHS and RHS columns -- I would like them to be round bullets.
7. Another way-out idea -- I guess you could have sets of settings that would entirely theme a site with a certain font set and colors just by pulling the settings out of a file or database. Thus users could submit a "theme file" for others to use.
Many thanks guys.