I have wp 3.5.2 and Apahaulpa 3.7.12.
I installed wp-dtree 4.3.1.
I have the following problem:
When I have the "Disable WP-dTree's default stylesheet" Enabled the formatting of the Widget does not display properly. It does not "Block".
See here: http://www.discerningtheworld.com/?attachment_id=13591
Then when I Disable the "Disable WP-dTree's default stylesheet" then the categories make one long line and vanish off the end of the page instead of word wrapping.
See here: http://www.discerningtheworld.com/?attachment_id=13592
Can you please help me. I want the 'Block' css to work properly so that it's all nicely aligned.
This is the only collapsing categories plugin that works with the latest wordpress version(s), the others sllloowwww down the website and backend so badly you want to pull your hair out.