I'm working on a new site and could use some help.
My WP Version is 3.5.1
Montezuma is 1.1.9
BEFORE is modified the icons in Montezuma Options all of the icons in the upper right menu area were stars. The mouseover effect works.
My Permalinks were set to default, now set to Post Name. - I have tried both.
Here is the custom CSS I want to use:
/* Part 1- for default state: */ #menu1 .about-dr-overturf > a > i { background-position: 0px -1080px; } #menu1 .contact > a > i { background-position: 0px -1008px; } #menu1 .new-patients > a > i { background-position: 0px -2064px; } #menu1 .posts > a > i { background-position: 0px -72px; } #menu1 .welcome > a > i { background-position: 0px -96px; } /* Part 2 - for hover state: */ #menu1 .about-dr-overturf:hover > a > i, #menu1 .about-dr-overturf.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -1080px; } #menu1 .contact:hover > a > i, #menu1 .contact.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -1008px; } #menu1 .new-patients:hover > a > i, #menu1 .new-patients.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -2064px; } #menu1 .posts:hover > a > i, #menu1 .posts.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -72px; } #menu1 .welcome:hover > a > i, #menu1 .welcome.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -96px; }
I've tried looking at it with several different browsers.
Please help!