I am having one of those days where nothing I try is working and I am about to toss my laptop out the window. I am hoping someone can un-confuse me as I think I have just gone back and forth so many times I ended up messing everything up.

I had added a kicker image and fancy-type date over the image to my blog (beyondbooks.ca) last month using the following code in HTML inserts
.date { background: url('http://beyondbooks.ca/photos/bbhalbump.png') repeat-x scroll top left; display: inline; float: left; width:60px; text-align:center; color:#000; font-family:Georgia, sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; text-transform: uppercase; border:0 #fff; margin: 0 3px 0px 0; } .date-inside { border: 0 #fff; padding:0; } .date .date-day { font-size:22px; } |
But then I decided I wanted to put my date back where it was on the BYLINE and just keep the image. Only I messed up somehow and I can't seem to keep a static, left-floating image there without the date over top.
I searched the forum and found some related posts, but I can't seem to grasp what I'n reading I guess because I am SO CONFUSED now. The following thread was easier to follow, but I must have messed something up between the html inserts and the POST/PAGE info tab because it's not working. http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthr...t=kicker+image
What I had was a lovely little 60x60 pixel image behind the post date, which was listed in a box-type format:
OCT 09 2012 |
I have managed to mix myself up so much that I'm totally lost and I have given up and am writing this really embarrassing post in the forums in hopes that someone can help me get back on track.
I need really specific instructions, please. I am pretty sure I will need to flitter between the HTML INSERTS and POST/PAGE INFO menus, right?
Help! Please!