I have written an article in HTML-mode and inserted an image displaying tag as well as a video displaying tag, but both tags are not working / displaying anything in the article.
Now I'm wondering, what is being mis-configured with the Atahualpa Theme, because when I change to default theme, both links are displayed correctly. In addition, I've tested a normal <strong>-tag.
The tags, I've used, in detail:
<strong>Test</strong> <== Text is not being displayed in BOLD [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Test"]<img alt="Testimage" src="http://testdomain/image/01.jpg" title="Test" width="480" height="480" />[/caption] <== no image is being displayed <iframe src="http://testdomain/flvplayer/flashvideoplayer.html?video=content/capture.flv" width="450" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <== no video is being displayed
Have I missed something?