Have got my Atahualpa 3.7.3 theme looking good and happy with the results, have installed a great plugin 'Events Manager' and added some events. They display well when all events for all categories are selected (http://www.demo.singersandsongs.com/events), but if I want to display a list of events on a page for a single category (http://www.demo.singersandsongs.com/.../adult_courses) then the Atahualpa theme has trouble with displaying the events.
To demonstrate:
Atahualpa adult courses screen shot (linked file atahualpa_screen.png)
Atahualpa adult courses html source code (linked file atahualpa_code.txt)
Default adult courses screen shot (linked file default_screen.png, the taller of the screen shots)
Default adult courses html source code (linked file default_code.txt)
I really want to keep your theme, so what setting is stripping the layout?
Many thanks