here is my code in the comments-paged.php file
$default = urlencode(get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/hockeypuck.jpg');
as you can see I changed it to hockeypuck.jpg
here is my code in the legacy.comments.php file
$default = urlencode(get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/hockeypuck.jpg');
and hockeypuck.jpg is in the images folder where the no-gravatar.gif file is. On my dashboard under settings/discussion it lists 6 gravatars
Default Avatar
For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a generic logo or a generated one based on their e-mail address.
Mystery Man
Gravatar Logo
I have selected Mystery Man on my dashboard under settings/discussion- which still has the old picture there too. Which should use the image file no-gravatar.gif (now changed to hockeypuck.jpg). I have cleared out my browser cache and have refreshed the page several times and my test messages still shows Mystery Man image...getting very frustrated
UPDATE: If I right click on the picture and do a view image on a comment, it brings up a new page with this URL
so somewhere in the code it is saying to use the Mystery Man from Gravatar and not the one from the image folder? Am I correct on this assumption?