Hello everyone. I am having some trouble with spacing the Page Tabs in my Menu Bar in the fashion I would like. I am running Atahualpa 3.7.1. Any help would be appreciated.
My website is www.thewaterbrief.com
The layout width of the site is 990px. I have 7 Pages (home, recent articles, water law basics, links, about, contact and disclaimer). Therefore the Page Menu Bar has 7 Page Tabs. The Page Menu Bar is left-aligned.
ISSUE: I want the 7 Page Tabs to be equally spaced and justified across the entire width of the Menu Bar, using up all available space on the Menu Bar, like a text line can be justified in a word document.
Right now, although the 7 tabs appear equally spaced, I have unused space on the right side of the Menu Bar in most browsers, including Firefox and I.E.
I have the following HTML/CSS Insert presently in place:
div#menu1 ul.rMenu li a:link,
div#menu1 ul.rMenu li a:hover,
div#menu1 ul.rMenu li a:visited,
div#menu1 ul.rMenu li a:active
padding: 4px 38px;
I want the height padding to remain 4px. However, I want Page Tabs to take up all space in the Menu Bar from the right edge to the left edge and be equally spaced.
Thank you kindly,