I am testing the following in the loop section in Atahualpa options:
Just below the line
PHP Code:
<div class="<?php echo ( is_page() ? 'page ' : '' ) . $odd_or_even . ' post" id="post-'; the_ID(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
I inserted the following:
PHP Code:
<?php // make posts from category 49 always Full
$cat_loop = get_the_category(get_the_ID());
$cat_loop_zero = $cat_loop[0]->cat_ID;
if ($cat_loop_zero == 49) {
$bfa_ata[excerpts_home] = 'Full Posts'; } ?>
Then, just before the closing </div>:
PHP Code:
<?php $bfa_ata[excerpts_home] = 'Only Excerpts'; ?>
My "Loop" section for ATO is then:
PHP Code:
<?php /* Post Container starts here */
if ( function_exists('post_class') ) { ?>
<div <?php if ( is_page() ) { post_class('post'); } else { post_class("$odd_or_even"); } ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="<?php echo ( is_page() ? 'page ' : '' ) . $odd_or_even . ' post" id="post-'; the_ID(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php // make posts from category 49 always Full
$cat_loop = get_the_category(get_the_ID());
$cat_loop_zero = $cat_loop[0]->cat_ID;
if ($cat_loop_zero == 49) {
$bfa_ata[excerpts_home] = 'Full Posts'; } ?>
<?php bfa_post_kicker('<div class="post-kicker"><?php get_cat_icon(); ?>','</div>'); ?>
<?php bfa_post_headline('<div class="post-headline">','</div>'); ?>
<?php bfa_post_byline('<div class="post-byline">','</div>'); ?>
<?php bfa_post_bodycopy('<div class="post-bodycopy clearfix">','</div>'); ?>
<?php bfa_post_pagination('<p class="post-pagination"><strong>'.__('Pages:','atahualpa').'</strong>','</p>'); ?>
<?php bfa_post_footer('<div class="post-footer">','</div>'); ?>
<?php $bfa_ata[excerpts_home] = 'Only Excerpts'; ?>
</div><!-- / Post -->
It seems to work (it's not in the production server yet, but working in my testing environment), and I don't need to mess with the theme's files.
Anything wrong with this approach?