Getting there slowly with the menus but a few issues remain.
Would someone help me with the last finishing touches please?
1. The main horizontal menus is now correct but the sub-menus have white borders left and right. How do I get rid of the borders?
2. I don't know how to style the left hand page menu. What I am after is solid green bars for each menu item with white lettering but I do not know how or where to do this.
I have looked for documentation and spent a long time searching the forums, but am getting quite confused now!
Here are my css inserts...
td#header {
padding-bottom: 15px;}
td#middle {
padding: 0;}
div#menu2 {border: solid 1px #004d05;}
#mymenu {
background: #004d05;
ul.rMenu li {
padding-top: 0px;
margin: 0px 30px 0px 30px;