First of all thanks for a lovely theme. I have tried to get specific layout / style for a new website, Atahualpa was by far easiest theme to use.
I would like to move the left sidebar up with a fixed number of pixels to make it properly align with the top menu bars and the rotating header image (which has left margin of 200 px). Currently using Dynamic Headers for the rotaing header image, don't want header image on all pages. Also with default rotating header image I can't get this to work.
I know it's possible, done this already some time ago, however didn't write-up the necessary changes. If I remember correctly it was just setting top margin on some page element, not sure though.
I have also tried inserting Dynamic Headers in standard imagecontainer (%image) by making small change in php code. This works fine, however on pages which have no image set the imagecontainer keeps set height, so instead of image large white space is shown.
Website is http://www.dafclub-oud.nl/wordpress/. WP 3.0.3, Atahualpa 3.4.9
Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated.