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placing next/previous page navigation in sidebar

Old Oct 14, 2010, 02:57 PM
Memento Vivi's Avatar
Memento Vivi
9 posts · May 2009
Breda // The Netherlands
I am feeling a bit stupid... but I would really like to place a link to the previous/next page in the sidebars.

I've looked for a plugin; up till now I haven't find one.
I've tried to copy the <?php next_posts_link('&laquo; Previous Entries') ?>
in a text-widget, but that didn't work.

Is there another way to create this?

My website is http://cpost.nl/online-magazine-curacao

The next/previous-link is at the bottom of the post. The most readers of this online magazine are users with a laptop. These links will not be visible for them.
I do not want to place the next/previous-link on top, because the top of the website is already stuffed with too much 'information'.

So I would like to place a image of some kind of arrow with a link to the next/previous post in the sidebars. Any one any suggestions?
Old Oct 15, 2010, 11:00 PM
lmilesw's Avatar
10,176 posts · Jul 2009
Central New York State USA
Where did you search? I did a quick search on WordPress.org for "next previous widget" and this plugin was second on the list. It looks like it will do what you want. You will have to put two instances in your sidebar. One for next and one for previous posts but it seem s to work quite nicely.
~Larry (CNY Web Designs)
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Old Oct 18, 2011, 06:53 AM
Memento Vivi's Avatar
Memento Vivi
9 posts · May 2009
Breda // The Netherlands
I notice that I didn't answer this one.
The plugin didn't work out for me :-(
because I could not manage to use it for both the left and the right sidebar.

Somewhere in this forum I read about inserting php in the sidebar by using Samsarin PHP Widget.
I had to use a second plugin (WP PHP widget), because I could not use Samsarin PHP Widget twice.

In the widget section I pasted this code in the left sidebar using php-widget:
<div class="navigation-previous">
<?php next_post_link('%link', '<img src="http://domainname.com/images1.gif" alt="previous page"/>', false); ?></div>

And at the right sidebar using Samsarin PHP 1:
<div class="navigation-next">
<?php previous_post_link('%link', '<img src="http://domainname.com/images1.gif" alt="next page"/>', false); ?></div>
Old Oct 18, 2011, 07:55 AM
lmilesw's Avatar
10,176 posts · Jul 2009
Central New York State USA
I haven't tested them but there is also this widget and this widget which both parse php code and are quite a bit newer.
~Larry (CNY Web Designs)
This site should be a membership site since it so full of good stuff.
Please consider donating which gives you access to even more good stuff.


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