I like the idea of your theme creator and I'm on the verge of purchasing. My only concern is that you could be selling it for more than what it is.
For example - headway includes leafs. Extra feature widgets which can help make the website more than a blog or more news/magazine related. Do you offer such additions - in particular I'm thinking of excerpts
In addition you say the user doesn't need to know code. This is the only problem with headway theme. I see a website and want to reproduce a style of feature only to find out i need to know CSS. In fact the best headway sites are built with a lot of CSS. How does yours differ?
I'd love to be able to build themes which matched in style to websites like gmgplc.co.uk or washingtonpost.com
My concern is the idea of this is way better than the actual package which I will buy. Not too be critical - its such I do design, not code.
How much control is given over the width of the site, where the header goes, search bar, widget areas etc. Is it possible to start blank and add content where I want? Perhaps the menu and header side by side or no widget areas.