Hi Flynn,
I centered the page menue bar. I pasted the code into the php file like described in Thread http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=122 . As your posted code text is a bit wider than the screen, you have to scroll to copy it all from the thread. And that creates a bug when you paste it into your php. When copying, it is missing a bit of the code which should be pasted into line 12 !!!
<div class="clearfix rMenu-center">
Just for everybody else to know, that you manually have to add this piece of code afterwards by hand typing.
I have now the page menu bar with few buttons hanging in the middle. Is it possible, to make these buttons expand to the whole screen width ? Like that, I would have a full navigatin bar and not just few buttons hanging in the center. Every button would get the same width, automatically (fluid) changing with the bowser width.
One more comment: When you delete the home button from the page menue bar by leaving the field blank in the theme options, wp is still displaying this generated button field for "home". As this button field is empty, it just gets a width of 0 and is not visible. But in fact, the dashed line of the field is visible. The result is, that you have 2 dashed lines at the very left side of your page navigation menue (sort of a double line). How can I delete one of them ?
By watching few users pages I could see, that this problem appears on many userīs pages. It is just not easy to notice, as it is just a small 1px line at the left side of the navigation bar.