This is my first post in this forum and I register here because everyone is trying to help one another.
Who am I? - I am a noob with PHP (but somehow able to understand the code)
- I use Wordpress using FLexx theme.
My Problem is stated on the subject line. I've been browsing this forum for a while and didn't able to find what looking for. Some say change it on your "index.php" but it looks to me, this flexx theme has a different coding.
And so, I tried to look on each *.php for a similar-look of code and find it on "archive.php"
Here is it:
<!--archive.php--> <div class="<?php do_action('content_style'); ?>" id="content"> <?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <h4><?php $post = $posts[0]; // Hack. Set $post so that the_date() works. ?> <?php /* If this is a category archive */ if (is_category()) { ?> <?php _e("Archive for"); ?> <?php echo single_cat_title(); ?> <?php /* If this is a tag archive */ } elseif (is_tag()) { ?> <?php _e("Archive for"); ?> <?php echo single_tag_title(); ?> <?php /* If this is a daily archive */ } elseif (is_day()) { ?> <?php _e("Archive for"); ?> <?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?> <?php /* If this is a monthly archive */ } elseif (is_month()) { ?> <?php _e("Archive for"); ?> <?php the_time('F, Y'); ?> <?php /* If this is a yearly archive */ } elseif (is_year()) { ?> <?php _e("Archive for"); ?> <?php the_time('Y'); ?> <?php /* If this is a search */ } elseif (is_search()) { ?> <?php _e("Search Results"); ?> <?php /* If this is an author archive */ } elseif (is_author()) { ?> <?php _e("Author Archive"); ?> <?php /* If this is a paged archive */ } elseif (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged'])) { ?> <?php _e("Blog Archives"); ?> <?php } //do not delete ?> </h4> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); // the loop ?>
To do: Change view list to Post "Titles Only" when viewing Category and in Archive instead of posting the whole Content on each post. (I hope you get what I mean, I am having a hard time explaining this)

Please help! and if possible, please provide specific details or perhaps paste the edited code.
Btw, here is my site for a better picture of my problem.
Cheap backpacker travel
As you can see, view in my ..../category/gears/ has a body. I want it eliminated.
Thank you.