NOTE: This will effect ALL extra widget areas!
You can try this. Edit functions.php and locate lines 323-358 which should be
HTML Code:
echo '<table id="' . $area_id . '" class="bfa_widget_area" style="table-layout:fixed; width: 100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
for ( $i = 1; $i <= $r['cells']; $i++ ) {
$current_name = $r['name'] . ' ' . $i;
$current_id = $area_id . '_' . $i;
$current_align = "align_" . $i;
echo "\n" . '<td id="' . $current_id .'" ';
if ( $r[$current_align] ) {
$align_type = $r["$current_align"];
} else {
$align_type = $r['align'];
echo bfa_table_cell_align($align_type) . ">";
// Register widget area
#$bfa_ata_widget_areas[] = $current_name;
$bfa_ata_widget_areas[] = array(
"name" => $current_name,
"before_widget" => $r['before_widget'],
"after_widget" => $r['after_widget'],
"before_title" => $r['before_title'],
"after_title" => $r['after_title']
// Display widget area
echo "\n</td>";
echo '</table>';
and change them to this
HTML Code:
echo '<table id="' . $area_id . '" class="bfa_widget_area" style="table-layout:fixed; width: 100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
echo "\n<tr>";
for ( $i = 1; $i <= $r['cells']; $i++ ) {
$current_name = $r['name'] . ' ' . $i;
$current_id = $area_id . '_' . $i;
$current_align = "align_" . $i;
echo "\n" . '<tr id="' . $current_id .'" ';
if ( $r[$current_align] ) {
$align_type = $r["$current_align"];
} else {
$align_type = $r['align'];
echo bfa_table_cell_align($align_type) . ">";
// Register widget area
#$bfa_ata_widget_areas[] = $current_name;
$bfa_ata_widget_areas[] = array(
"name" => $current_name,
"before_widget" => $r['before_widget'],
"after_widget" => $r['after_widget'],
"before_title" => $r['before_title'],
"after_title" => $r['after_title']
// Display widget area
echo "\n</tr>";
echo "\n</td>";
echo '</table>';
This will make the widget area vertical instead of horizontal