I've had ATA 3.4.6 working with Buddypress. I upgraded to 3.51 and now I can't manage to get the sidebars back.
In the closed thread
member qbuster reports successfully upgrading without adjusting the BP's daughter pages. But I note on his site that the daughter pages do not have sidebars.
Under 4.6 and earlier I was able to have sidebars on pages such as URL/members and URL/groups.
Now, even with the edited daughter pages (eg. URL/members/index.php) including the new get options code, I am unable to get the sidebars back.
The only difference I can see is the new inclusion of global $bfa_ata; in the get all options call. With or without it, no sidebars.
Any one with any experience with this one or suggestions?
The site I'm working on is under development with a maintenance mode cover, but if someone wants a look in, I'll happily open it up.