Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA
There will be no more development for Atahualpa (or any other theme), and no support. Also no new registrations. I turned off the donation system. I may turn the forum to read only if it gets abused for spam. Unfortunately I have no time for the forum or the themes. Thanks a lot to the people who helped in all these years, especially Larry and of course: Paul. Take care and stay healthy -- Flynn, Atahualpa developer, Sep 2021

Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA » WordPress Themes » Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme » Center area post/pages » Comments, trackbacks & pings »

Edit the Text in the Comments Box

Old Nov 3, 2009, 12:41 PM
16 posts · Aug 2009
Hi All and thanks in advance for the help.

I'm wondering how I can edit the text within the comments box... I want to add some text and a link under the name, mail and website fields.

Oh, and what is supposed to happen when one clicks on the "You can use these HTML tags" link? On my site it just gets redirected back to the same page.


Thanks again for the help
Old Nov 28, 2009, 06:24 AM
juggledad's Avatar
23,765 posts · Mar 2009
OSX 10.11.5 WP 4.x Atahualpa(all) Safari, Firefox, Chrome
you can find the code that makes the comment form starting at line 79 in comment.php (in version 3.4.4)
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin
Juggledad | Forum Moderator/Support
Old Nov 28, 2009, 10:48 AM
22 posts · Jun 2009
Tupelo, MS
Hi juggledad

Trying to figure out how I can make my Byline text the same on my Homepage (with multipost) as on my single post (permalink).

On my Homepage my Byline says "X comments and X reflections" => the link here brings me where I want it too.

On my permalink page the same Byline says "Comments" => and the link brings me to the same place as at my Homepage, which is exactly what I want.

So want the text on my Homepage Byline to say "Comments" instead of "X comments and X reflections". And can't figure out where I can change this.

Cheers.. Are
Old Nov 28, 2009, 12:10 PM
juggledad's Avatar
23,765 posts · Mar 2009
OSX 10.11.5 WP 4.x Atahualpa(all) Safari, Firefox, Chrome
make sure you have the same settings at ATO->Edit POST/PAGE INFO ITEMS for all four (4) of the BYLINE options
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin
Juggledad | Forum Moderator/Support
Old Nov 28, 2009, 01:31 PM
22 posts · Jun 2009
Tupelo, MS
Thanks for you fast response juggledad.

I did a copy and paste on all 4 Byline fields, so they should be the same.

But still I get the same result.

Not sure if I might need to edit comment.php or one of the related files.

I uses DISQUS for commenting. And I see other blog where it works they way I am looking for it to work. But they use a different theme then Atahualpa. I have upgraded to the latest version.

Cheers.. Are
Old Nov 28, 2009, 01:40 PM
juggledad's Avatar
23,765 posts · Mar 2009
OSX 10.11.5 WP 4.x Atahualpa(all) Safari, Firefox, Chrome
what is the url showing what is happening?
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin
Juggledad | Forum Moderator/Support
Old Nov 29, 2009, 10:15 AM
22 posts · Jun 2009
Tupelo, MS
Hi juggledad.

This is what I have on my byline;

<image(user.gif)> By %author-link% | %date('F jS, Y')% | <image(comments.gif)> %comments('Leave Comments', 'One Comments', '% Comments', 'Comments are closed')%

On my homepage it shows;

By TwtrCoach | <date> | x Comments and x Reactions (this is the link that brings me to comment-form)

On single page it shows;

By TwtrCoach | <date> | Comments (this is the link that brings me to comment-form)

Both the link on my homepage and single page is the same, and they both do the same => bring me to my comment-form.

The is a sample of how my link looks like;


Both options works perfect. Just wanted to see how I can change the actual text on my homepage to be the same as on the single page.

Cheers.. Are
Old Nov 30, 2009, 04:22 AM
juggledad's Avatar
23,765 posts · Mar 2009
OSX 10.11.5 WP 4.x Atahualpa(all) Safari, Firefox, Chrome
interesting, you learn something new every day.

you have a plugin - discus I guess, that is overriding the items for the comment. Actually (this is where I learned something) the plugin is causing the Atahualpa generated code to be wrapped in a <noscript. which will only show up if your browser doesn't support scripting or you shut it off. (this is what I learned to day)

And infact, if you turn scripting off (in Safari, it's one of the preference options under the security tab) the bylines on the two pages look the same - you migh want to check the discuc options becaues with the scripting off you get
HTML Code:
By TwtrCoach | November 25th, 2009 |  View commentsComments
where 'View comments' is a link to Discus Comments and 'Comments' is a link to the normal wordpress comments
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin
Juggledad | Forum Moderator/Support

Last edited by juggledad; Dec 28, 2009 at 05:41 AM.
Old Nov 30, 2009, 11:09 AM
22 posts · Jun 2009
Tupelo, MS

I figured it had to be some conflict with DISQUS that I use for my comments.

I use FireFox for my browser. And there I can see that on my Homepage when I load it, then it shows all the options in the %comments% parameter before it stops with X comments and X reactions.

Have to check out Safari, and other browsers here.

Still I want to keep DISQUS commenting. I like their service. So have to see if there is a workaround I can find to get it the way I want it, or at least so it works ok.

Have seen other website that uses DISQUS but with a different theme, where it works like I wanted.

One big blog that I visit often mashable.com uses DISQUS, and there I can see it works ok.

By the way seems like I have been looking to solve this in the wrong end. Needed to edit some of my advanced Disqus option. So it is now almost like I want it..

Thanks for all your help and support. Can't recall how to close the thread..

Cheers.. Are

Last edited by TwtrCoach; Nov 30, 2009 at 12:11 PM.
Old Dec 27, 2009, 12:34 AM
1 posts · Dec 2009
Is there a way to change the text in the comment box without changing the comments.php file (like inserting lines to the HTML)?

My site has two language versions which I run each site on WP-Mu, and I don't want to touch to .php files for changing the text as much as I can. That is one of the reasons for me to choose atahualpa.

My sites: oburkedi.com and oburkedi.com/english


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