I absolutely love my new theme! I know that I would not have been able to find a quality theme w/a moderator who actually respond to questions. I donate a couple of pennies and I hope that I am able to donate more in the future as my pocketbook coins grew. I am still trying to figure out a few things like adding images or the best plugin to display galleries of images. But in the meantime I am quite please with the new theme and I look forward to continuing to use it in the future. I am going to write a blog post linking it back to this forum. Your theme was the best kept secret until I stumbled across it on the internet purely by accident. I did not know it existed. Had it not been for my theme going through its hormonal changes because of the update to Wordpress P 2.8.2 I would have been stuck with the same old theme with no options to change anything.
Thanks for sharing your gifts, skills and your knowledge willingly with thephotographer4you. May you continue to be bless with abundance and may you have long life and prosperity. Have a great day and thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer my questions!
