While trying to debug my server and finding out why it's so slow (empty atahualpa page needs 1.7 seconds to generate .... however only around 20% of CPU use, and plenty RAM Free) even though I have mysql and apache tuned for high performance (mysql mylare.cnf, xcache php accelerator, running wp-supercache-plus in full on mode...)
I see on my server status page several calls to old images from atahualpa 3.2 theme folder - which has long ago been deleted from my server....
They take quite a lot of time and I assume that maybe these calls are responsible for the slow loading of my page (most users won't notice as they get served static pages). I have around 2000 unique visits each day, and 15 minute CPU load maxes out at around 0.3-0.5 during the evening, while being well below 0.2 the rest of the day, plenty of free ram too....
Today I activated mod_server-status and I noticed that quite often calls are taking up to 2000ms CPU times for old images of atahualpa theme, based in folders that don't exist any more....
like this (sorry formattting broken):
Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Conn Child Slot Client VHost Request
0-0 7924 0/3/68 _ 2.53 47 2160 0.0 0.00 1.74 openmtbmap.org GET /wp-content/themes/atahualpa.3.2/atahualpa/images/sticky.gi
Is it possible that there are problems with atahualpa rewriting the database after bumping up the theme version? (since 3.2 I have allways updated)
see my server-status here (is this a security risk to leave this open? - link obstructed so no crawler follows it)
http:// xxx xxx /server-status